These two editions suposed to be published by Pierre Marteau at Cologne (Keulen). The name Pierre Marteau is a fictional publisher. The imprint was allegedly located in Cologne but contemporaries were well-aware, form the first published titles in 1662, that these books not actually where published by a man named Pierre Marteau (or Willhelm Marteau) residing in Cologne. The imprint was used by publisher and printers, in the Netherlands, France and Germany, to evaded France's censorship.
The first books by Pierre Marteau were French and most certainly printed in Amsterdam by unknow publishers.
Politique nouvelle de la cour de France sous le règne de Louis XIV + Les héros..
Politique nouvelle de la cour de France sous le règne de Louis XIV (1694) + Les héros de France sortant de la barque de Caron: s'entretenans avec Messieurs de Louvois, Colbert, et Seignelai (1693), Relation de la Bataille Donnée à Nerwinde, par le Maréchal de Luxembourg, contre des Alliez.
Publisher: Pierre Marteau [Dutch imprint]
Keulen (Cologne) [i.e. Nederland]
1694 and 1693
Language: Frans
Binding: Leather
Pages: [2], 330, [4], 144 p.
Size: duodecimo, 14 x 8 x 3 cm
Description copy
Critique and satire on the reign of Louis XIV, possibly published in Rotterdam and spread in France by Reinier Leers (1654-1714)
'Relation de la bataille' contains an account of The Battle of Neerwinden that took place on 29 July 1693, the engraved fold-out map depicts this battle.
Full leather binding, engraved frontispiece for Les heros de la France, one engraved fold-out map, 3 further engravings
In very good condition