Herman Hugo's Pia desideria, a spiritual emblem book published in Antwerp in 1624, was the most popular religious devotional book of the seventeenth century. It went through 42 Latin editions and was widely translated up to the 18th century. The work indicating three paths to salvation, through purification, illumination and union. It consisted of a series of 45 emblems by Bolswert with accompanying verses by Hugo, subjects for meditation on the theme of spiritual love.
Pia Desideria
Pia desideria lib. iii. ad Vrbanum VIII
Editio 6. emendata
Liber primus, Gemitus animae poenitentis
Liber secundus, Vota animae sanctae
Liber tertius, Suspiria animae amantis.
Author: Hermannus Hugo [Herman Hugo]
Publisher: Apud Henricum Aertssens [Hendrik Aertssens]
Antverpiae [Antwerpen]
Language: Latin
Binding: Leather
Pages: [32], 442, [4] p.
Size: 14,5 x 10 x 3,5 cm
Description copy
Full leather binding, engraved title page, coat of arms, 45 copperplate emblems by BoeĢce van Bolswert